MongoDB Atlas is a fully-managed and fully-automated global cloud database service available on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. If you want to self-manage MongoDB, we offer both an Enterprise and Community version of our powerful distributed document database. Mar 03, 2020 MongoDB Compass allows you to make smarter decisions about document structure, query, indexing, document validation, and more. MongoDB Compass is available as part of subscriptions. This version is a free tool for development using MongoDB and includes a subset of the app’s features. The community version is available free of charge to all users. Installing and Running MongoDB on a Mac Author by Troy Grosfield Date March 21st, 2011 Category Developer Story. MongoDB is a very powerful schema-free, document oriented database. The following steps will show you how to get MongoDB up and running. Install MongoDB. I used the Homebrew package manager to install mongodb. If you have Homebrew. MongoDB Atlas is a fully-managed and fully-automated global cloud database service available on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. If you want to self-manage MongoDB, we offer both an Enterprise and Community version of our powerful distributed document database. In this MongoDB training course, expert author Doug Bierer teaches you the tools and techniques needed to work within this cross-platform, document-oriented database system. You will start by learning how - Selection from Learning MongoDB Video.
Set up launchctl to auto start mongod
is a symlink to /usr/local/Cellar/mongodb/x.y.z
(e.g., 2.4.9
You can use launchctl to start and stop mongod
You can also more conveniently use brew
to start, stop, and verify service status
The default plist provided by homebrew stores the mongod configuration at /usr/local/etc/mongod.conf
. This configuration specifies the dbpath
to be /usr/local/var/mongodb
instead of the default /data/db
For more about launchctl
this code is severely outdated.use brew install mongo
and follow instructions for launch options
Configure MongoDB to start when Mac OSX system boots.
This guide assumes you've installed mongo using MacPorts like so:
Mongo daemon location is assumed to be /opt/local/bin/mongod
If you download mongo directly, you need to copy all files inside the bin directory to /opt/local/bin as root. Once you do that, the rest of this guide will apply to you.
These locations were chosen because that is how most of the other stuff like mysql and redis gets installed.
All of the above commands wrapped into an install script for convenience
This script is safe to run even if mongod is already installed
If your paths are different, you'll need to manually change both the plist file and install script
If you would prefer to install a mac StartupItem (instead of Launchctl item) use mongodb-mac-startup
Idea for this was borrowed from an article on 'Cupcake With Sprinkles' blog
Tested with Mongo 1.4.2 and Mac 10.6.3 (Snow Leopard) on 4 May 2010
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